Ana Rebana


Ana Rebana a chain of balanced fast food restaurants, offering delicious and surprising flavors at all times of the day.

We decided to focus on how a healthy lifestyle not only changes your body, it also changes your mind, your attitude, and your mood. The good vibes became a flag and from there, we generated an identity that joyfully celebrates the richness of nature and the freedom of the spirit in a positive and friendly environment.

 Our concept — Ana Rebana celebrates
la buena onda {good vibes}

Visual system

The visual system represents the experience in the restaurant where each one mixes the colorful ingredients rich in their flavors and organic forms and always achieves a unique and balanced result. The verbal system tells us about enjoying the present, that moment when you forget everything else and celebrate who you are.

Verbal language

“Soy pura buena onda”
“Eres tu otra mitad”
“Buen día, alegría”
“Elige sentirte bien”
“Cuando la felicidad toca a tu puerta”

“I am pure good vibes”
“You are your other half”
“Good morning, joy”
“Choose to feel good”
“When happiness knocks on your door”


(you are your other half)


Project created with Yanina Valdivieso and Daniel Duque


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